The pro Badawi spin doctors published this piece. It shows the new found influence and self-importance of DAP politician Karpal Singh thanks to Abdullah Badawi who has done so much for Pakatan Rakyat. Abdullah Badawi might as well be President of the opposition parties..
Karpal threat to haul up judge to Parliament
Karpal Singh, offended by judge's commentsKUALA LUMPUR, April 17 — Karpal Singh is threatening to haul a High Court judge before Parliament – unless he retracts certain comments made about the Opposition politician’s law firm.
At the core of the matter are some comments the judge allegedly made during a rape case hearing in March, several days before the election. Datuk Muhamed Apandi was reported in the press to have been irked by the late show by lawyers from Karpal & Co for an appeal for rape conviction. He also wanted to know why the firm had not provided written submissions by Jan 13 as agreed.
He allegedly said that this was not the first time counsel from the law firm had "acted at the last minute". "I am very disappointed with Karpal & Co. Please pass the message that no matter how senior you are, the court does not wait for the counsel."
These comments have fired up the MP for Bukit Gelugor. The Insider understands that he has demanded a retraction of the comments, pointing out that his firm had written to the court on Feb 19, seeking an adjournment on Feb 19.
The letter was received by the court two days later, and an adjournment was granted with the condition that the written submission for the appeal be filed before the next trial date. Karpal is scheduled to have a press conference today.
With 82 MPs in Parliament, the Opposition has the muscle now to haul the judge before Parliament for misconduct. It is unclear whether Karpal will go ahead and push for this outcome, knowing that it could be interpreted as the Opposition abusing its new found political power.